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Vibration Training Course

Through Mobius Institute, we offer: LEVEL/CATEGORY I-III Through the Vibration Institute we offer:


Customer Success Training


If you are looking for a quick start vibration training session with our products feel free to contact us anytime. We can provide remote video conference training for little to no cost, on your schedule, with no travel expenses.

Be our guest if you would like to visit our facility and take part in traditional classroom instruction. Our training lab in New York can accomodate up to 8 students. We have negotiated a corporate rate at the Holiday Inn Express.  Just click on the following link to complete your reservation.

Vibration Analyst Certification Training

We partner with the world´s best independent training providers to offer you the finest in vibration analysis certification training.

Mobius Institute training and certification follows the ISO 18436-2 standard as well as the ASNT recommended practice, and is independently ISO accredited.

The Vibration Institute training and certification aligns with the ISO 18436-2 standard and is ANSI accredited.


Choose the training partner that best fits your needs and schedule:

Research & Development – Scientific Investigation

The Erbessd team regularly accepts challenging projects for customers that involve the scientific investigation of methods and processes to improve machine health and reliability.

If you are interested in commissioning Erbessd to design, develop, and deliver a product that requires our team´s unique investigative capabilities, research, and development please let us know.


Get in touch, we will be happy to help!

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