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Modbus integration

Using Modbus TCP on Phantom System Gateway


The Gateway from the Erbessd Instruments Phantom® system, in addition to data transference through the EI-Monitor system now it can be configured as a Modbus TCP server.
The Phantom Gateway now can take a TCP connection using the 502 port from the IP shown in the gateway display. It’s strongly recommended to configure this as a Static IP to ensure the configuration on the Modbus client.

Data format

The Phantom system exports its data using holding registers. The user must configure the node mapping for each Phantom that needs to be exported to wich registry. Each Phantom exports a series of standard data.
Each Phantom node starts their registry using multipliers of 50. For example, the first node exports its registry using the registry 0, while the second using the registry 50, and the next one using the registry 100 and so on.
The first registry (offset 0) it’s a 32 bits number coded in Little endian and denotes the ID of the Phantom Node in the system. (ex. 189245456).
The second registry (offset 2) it’s a 16 bits number denoting the Phantom type. This according to the next table:

3, 5 y 6 Triaxial accelerometer
20 Thermocouple Temperature
25 Infrared Temperature
26 4-20mA Sensors Node
30 3 Channel Current
50 Low Noise Biaxial Accelerometer
60 General Purpose Node
40 Velocity (RPM)

The next registry is defined by the Phantom type and can be read as follows:

Triaxial accelerometer node message (3)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
RMS Channel 1 mm/s*100 32bits Little endian 3
RMS Channel 2 mm/s*100 32bits Little endian 5
RMS Channel 3 mm/s*100 32bits Little endian 7
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 9
Sensor Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 11
Firmware Version N/A 32bits Little endian 13

Thermocouple temperature node message (20)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 3
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 5
Sensor’s Internal Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 7
Firmware Version N/A 32bits Little endian 9

Thermocouple temperature node message V2 (21)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
Temperature Channel 1 C*100 32bits Little endian 3
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 5
Sensor’s Internal Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 7
Firmware Version N/A 32bits Little endian 9
Temperature Channel 2 C*100 32bits Little endian 13
Temperature Channel 3 C*100 32bits Little endian 15

Infrared temperature node message (25)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
Temperature infrarroja C*100 32bits Little endian 3
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 5
Sensor’s Internal Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 7
Enviroment Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 9
Firmware Version N/A 32bits Little endian 13

4-20mA Sensor node message (26)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
Channel 1 Voltage mVolt 32bits Little endian 3
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 5
Sensor’s Internal Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 7
Channel 2 Voltage mVolt 32bits Little endian 9
Channel 3 Voltage mVolt 32bits Little endian 13
Channel 4 Voltage mVolt 32bits Little endian 15
Firmware Version N/A 32bits Little endian 17

Threephase current node message (30)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 3
Sensor’s Internal Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 5
Channel 1 Current centiVolt 32bits Little endian 7
Channel 2 Current centiVolt 32bits Little endian 9
Channel 3 Current centiVolt 32bits Little endian 11
Firmware Version N/A 32bits Little endian 13

Threephase current node message V2 (30)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 3
Sensor’s Internal Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 5
Firmware Version centiVolt 32bits Little endian 7
Sequencia centiVolt 32bits Little endian 9
Average current channel 2 centiampere 16bits Little endian 11
Average current channel 1 centiampere 16bits Little endian 12
Average current channel 3 centiampere 16bits Little endian 13
Average current channel 4 centiampere 16bits Little endian 14
Minimum current channel 1 centiampere 16bits Little endian 15
Minimum current channel 2 centiampere 16bits Little endian 16
Minimum current channel 3 centiampere 16bits Little endian 17
Minimum current channel 4 centiampere 16bits Little endian 18
Maximum current channel 1 centiampere 16bits Little endian 19
Maximum current channel 2 centiampere 16bits Little endian 20
Maximum current channel 3 centiampere 16bits Little endian 21
Maximum current channel 4 centiampere 16bits Little endian 22

Low noise biaxial accelerometer node message (50)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
RMS Channel 1 mm/s*100 32bits Little endian 3
RMS Channel 2 mm/s*100 32bits Little endian 5
Reserved N/A 32bits Little endian 7
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 9
Sensor Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 11
Firmware Version N/A 32bits Little endian 13

Velocity (RPM) node message (40)

Description Units Data type Base Direction Offset
RPM RPM*100 32bits Little endian 3
Battery Voltage centiVolt 32bits Little endian 5
Sensor’s Internal Temperature C*100 32bits Little endian 7
Firmware Version N/A 32bits Little endian 9

Configuring EI-Monitor for Modbus 

Now that you know how to read the information from your Phantom System, we need to create some simple rules in EI-Monitor to achieve connection between your OPC and the sensors. To accomplish this we created two easy options.
First, activate the Modbus options from the Preferences window on EI-Monitoring; after this you can find the Modbus Integration from the Settings tab on EI-Monitoring.

Gateway Configuration

The first option we have is to register the gateway we want to transmit data to us. Select the option “Gateway Configuration” and the Gateway Configuration window is open.  Here you will find a box with the legend Phantom Gateway IP. Type the IP shown in the Gateway display and click on Connect.
Once done you will see a list where you can fill with the Phantom ID of your sensors. Click Save Config to finish, after this, your sensors will begin to send raw data (in metric) to your OPC system. You can find an example of the data at the end of this document.
If you happen to reach the end of the list, just add a new row clicking the button Add.

modbus register


The Register option will let you get post processing data from the gateway including Envelope Acceleration and detailed RMS data. To configurate this option fist click on “Register” from the Modbus menu and the Modbus configuration window will open.

Mobus Register

To obtain post processing data first click on “Add register” to open the database tree where you’ll find the machines you created on Digivibe along his analysis points and axes. By selecting one branch you’ll see all the parameters that are being collected from the sensors attached to the selected Axis/Point/Machine and by selecting the ckeckboxes the parameter list will be filled with the information, getting an identifier ID.


The next holding register can be read by Modbus TCP client:

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